
Landpflanzen (Embryophyta)

Pilze (Fungi)

Schnecken (Gastropoda)

Spinnentiere (Arachnida)

Tausendfüßer (Myriapoda)

Höhere Krebse (Malacostraca)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of malacostraca is not defined in the admin page.

Springschwänze (Collembola)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of collembola is not defined in the admin page.

Felsenspringer (Archaeognatha)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of archaeognatha is not defined in the admin page.

Fischchen (Zygentoma)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of zygentoma is not defined in the admin page.

Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeroptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of ephemeroptera is not defined in the admin page.

Libellen (Odonata)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of odonata is not defined in the admin page.

Ohrwürmer (Dermaptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of dermaptera is not defined in the admin page.

Bodenläuse (Zoraptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of zoraptera is not defined in the admin page.

Steinfliegen (Plecoptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of plecoptera is not defined in the admin page.

Heuschrecken (Orthoptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of orthoptera is not defined in the admin page.

Fangschrecken (Mantodea)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of mantodea is not defined in the admin page.

Schaben (Blattodea)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of blattodea is not defined in the admin page.

Staub- und Tierläuse (Psocodea)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of psocodea is not defined in the admin page.

Fransenflügler (Thysanoptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of thysanoptera is not defined in the admin page.

Schnabelkerfe (Hemiptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of hemiptera is not defined in the admin page.

Hautflügler (Hymenoptera)

Netzflügler, Schlamm- & Kamelhalsfliegen (Neuropterida)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of neuropterida is not defined in the admin page.

Käfer (Coleoptera)

Fächerflügler (Strepsiptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of strepsiptera is not defined in the admin page.

Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of trichoptera is not defined in the admin page.

Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera)

Schnabelfliegen (Mecoptera)

Zweiflügler (Diptera)

Amphibien (Lissamphibia)

Säugetiere (Mammalia)

Schuppenkriechtiere (Squamata)

Vögel (Aves)

Unbekannte Arten (ID gesucht!)

This portfolio does not exist.

The portfolio with an id of spec is not defined in the admin page.

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